MidiaMigra - Observatory of Migration and Intercultural Communication: a methodological proposition for news monitoring

  • Sofia Cavalcanti Zanforlin Docente da Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasil. Doutora em Comunicação e Cultura pela Escola de Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Pós-doutora pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Brasil.
  • Alberto Marques Silva Docente da Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasil. Doutor em Comunicação pela Universidade de Brasília, Brasil.
Keywords: Migration, MidiaMigra, Media observatory, Journalism, Methodology.


This article focuses on the methodological structure adopted in the MidiaMigra research: observatory of migration and intercultural communication. The study builds a media observatory focusing on contemporary immigration to Brazil. The observatory collects, selects and analyzes journalistic material broadcasted and produced by the Brazilian media. The main objective is to build a database that enables a qualitative and quantitative analysis of meanings and tendencies in the media discourses elaborated on the subject in Brazil. Initially, we discussed the transformation of journalism and its changes, followed by the discussion on electronic communication intertwined with international migrations, ending with the methodological elaboration of an observatory focused on contemporary immigration to Brazil. Finally, we present a preliminary analysis of the newsgathering on the topic.