Fast Food Training For Teachers: a frankfurtian analysis

  • Ademir Henrique Manfré Unoeste


In this article we discuss the topic of teacher (semi)formation. We aim at analyzing and reflecting about the new proposal for teacher training present in the “National Curriculum Guidelines” for early teacher education for Basic Education (Resolution No. 2, December 20th, 2019), which also established the “Common National Base” teacher training (“Base Curricular Comum” - BNC/Training). We started from the following question: How do the current training policies establish new ways of teacher (semi)formation? Our analyzes point out that the formative proposals formulated by the national teacher training policies are subordinated to the semiformative imperatives, reducing the critical capacity of pedagogical thinking and doing. Regarding this context, we think about the importance of conceiving the paths of an education committed to the formation (Bildung) of autonomous individuals who be able to reframing the perception of reality through criticism. We believe that the Critical Theory has a theoretical-philosophical framework that encompass the possibility of developing, on different bases, the analysis of the social process in which school education is present today, as well as its links with the production of (semi)formation (Halbbildung).


Keywords: Formation (Bildung). (Semi)formation (Halbbildung). Teaching.

How to Cite
MANFRÉ, A. Fast Food Training For Teachers: a frankfurtian analysis. CADERNOS DE PESQUISA: PENSAMENTO EDUCACIONAL, v. 16, n. 42, p. 79-100, 23 mar. 2021.